Robot Contest

Robot Contest (Robocon) is one of the longest running robot contest in Japan that began in 1988 - unlike most robot contests in Japan, the robots competing in this contest are large sized. Visitors will get a chance to meet and actually control these famous robots that competed in the Robocon and engage in activities such as “loop throw” and “jump rope” very much like in the actual contest.

  • Robot Contest
  • Robot Contest
  • Robot Contest
  • Robot Contest

Niconico Live Streaming Shows
⇒Check out the booth from the link below!


Androidol "U" is a female android designed by researchers at the Osaka University Ishiguro Laboratory lead by the Japanese robot expert Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro. "U" is the centerpiece of the collaboration project between Dwango (Niconico's operator), Osaka University and PARCO - its goal is to develop world's first "Androidol" (an android-type idol).
The A.I. installed inside "U" enables her to engage in a text-based communication with humans independently - but not completely yet.
Niconico provides the necessary platform (which only they can provide) for "U" to gather communication patterns which is essential in perfecting her autonomous conversation system. The more she interacts with users from Niconico Live Streaming, the more natural she'll learn to talk.
At Niconico Chokaigi, "U" will take part in attractions such as the Niconico Shrine dressed up as a shrine maiden to interact with visitors.

  • Android

Drone UFO-Catcher

  • Drone UFO-Catcher

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