ON APRIL 22 - 30
Niconico Chokaigi, held by Japan's largest social video website "Niconico," is an annual festival whose concept is to recreate Niconico's virtual world in real life. This unique festival is the melting pot of Japan's internet culture, which brings together various entertainment, such as Japanese tradition, anime, games, music, and more! Niconico Chokaigi will be held online and offline in a merged format between April 22nd and 30th.
Offline events/activities such as "Cho Kabuki" and "VTuber Festival Japan 2023" will also be streamed live via Niconico Live Streaming, where users worldwide can enjoy interactive communication with guests/performers on stage through Niconico's commenting system.
Below are just a few examples of what is in store - be sure to visit the Niconico website for the full experience!.
Cho Kabuki is a special stage performance which combines Kabuki, a traditional Japanese theatre with a 400-year history, and cutting-edge ICT technology.
The show began in 2016 and features internationally acclaimed Kabuki actor Shidō Nakamura and Vocaloid virtual singer Hatsune Miku.
This year’s program is called 御伽草紙戀姿絵 (Otogizōshi Koi No Sugatae) and its theme song is Romeo and Cinderella composed and written by the Vocaloid producer doriko.
Cho Kabuki will also be available for viewing worldwide via Niconico Live Streaming.
Niconico Live Streaming Shows
⇒Check out the show from the links below!
■Day1 :
April 29th (Sat) 13:00~
April 29th (Sat.)16:00~
■Day2 :
April 30th (Sun.) 13:00~
April 30th (Sun.) 16:00~
■Official Website :https://chokabuki.jp/2023chokaigi/
#COMPASS - Battle Providence Analysis System is a popular Japanese online battle game for smartphones with over 17 million downloads.
The #COMPASS Stage is filled with activities that fans don't want to miss - these include #COMPASS game tournaments, dance shows, cosplay stage performances by #COMPASS official cosplayers and also DJ shows dedicated to original songs from #COMPASS. Guests include Vocaloid producer DJ'TEKINA//SOMETHING, dance group SHARE LOCK HOLMES and cosplayer Kuroneko.
■Official Website :https://app.nhn-playart.com/compass/
Voice Actor Festival Powered by dwango Supported by Disney+ is one of Japan's largest voice actor/actress event which amassed over 2.6 million viewers in 2022.
Popular voice actors/actresses will be appearing in a variety of exciting talk shows.
■Official Website :https://site.nicovideo.jp/choseiyusai/
Niconico had played a fundamental role in the recognition and popularity of the vocaloid software "Hatsune Miku" which is now a major content on Niconico and elsewhere.
This area features a plethora of vocaloid activities such as DJ performance, collaboration stage with Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! and band performances featuring famous Vocaloid producers such as Pinocchio-P and Kairiki Bear. Vocaloid exclusive merchandises will also be up for grabs.
VTuber Fes Japan has a plethora of must-see events for avid VTuber fans such as the live music festival and VTuber Talk Festival, an event where fans can talk with their favorite VTubers 1 on 1. More details will be released at a later date.
■Dates : April 30th (Sun.), 2023
■Official Website :https://vtuberfesjapan.jp/
MIKU LAND is a futuristic Hatsune Miku themed amusement park in virtual reality available to fans worldwide via Virtual Cast (available on Steam) or smartphone app Holomodels (available on iOS/Android).
As an avatar, visitors can explore its vast colorful venue filled with Vocaloid inspired attractions, enjoy shopping exclusive Vocaloid merchandise and attend live events featuring popular virtual talents.
■Dates : April 28th (Fri.) - May 4th (Thurs.), 2023 / Pre-opening April 21st (Fri)~
■Official Website :https://mikuland.com/
Niconico Cospllection is a cosplay stage where selected winners get a chance to display their prized cosplay outfits. The live streaming will also cover special stage performance, talkshows and more!
Dance enthusiasts and popular creators from all over Japan will gather both physically and digitally to showcase series of dance related shows and DJ performances.
At the venue, visitors can attend dance lessons by popular Niconico dancers/choreographers and get to perform in front of a large audience.
Details to be released at a later date.
...and more!